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Meeting Minutes

Rusk County Trail Association

June 15, 2004 8:10 PM

Meeting called to order

by Dave Olsen, president, at 7:10 p.m. at the Warming Hut


Officers: Carolyn Chatterton, Dave Olsen, Jan Paulsen.

Members: Steve Brockman, Howard Chatterton, Bjorn Hansen, Tom Paulsen, Jonathan Stanley, Al Sykes.

Non-members: none.


Motion by Tom Paulsen, second by Howard Chatterton, to dispense with reading of the prior minutes.  Unanimously carried.

Treasurer's Report

Presented by Carolyn Chatterton.  Discussion held.  Howard Chatterton suggested that we review our insurance coverage.  Motion by Tom Paulsen, seconded by Steve Brockman, to approve the Treasurer's report as presented.  Unanimously carried.


  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Designate committee members for the upcoming year
  • Election of officers

Old Business:

501C3 status discussed.  Chris Buslee would like to take responsibility for obtaining the 501C3 status for RCTA, and wants RCTA to stick with him a while longer.  Bjorn Hansen will check on availability of Chuck Lawrence to assist with this.  Chuck is a CPA and recently helped the Red Cedar Trail obtain their 501C3 status. 

Blue Hills Ascent: race report was supplied by Tom Paulsen.  White River Timing has agreed to provide their professional services again.  The system utilized for pre-registration this past year (January 2004) worked very well taking advantage of online pre-registration combined with race day registration.  Chip timing worked well, no mishaps.  Tom Paulsen asked for a volunteer to take over the duties of race director.  Howard Chatterton will again assume responsibility for the race trophies.  He suggested medallions (rather than trophies) for individual winners, reserving trophies for high school teams.  T-shirts for race participants were discussed, but the idea was rejected.  Race fees will remain $10 for youth, $20 for adult racers (discounts for pre-registration).

Mowing: County has been contacted to mow the west side trails.  They will be instructed to NOT go over bridges!  The County will do side arm mowing on gravel road and west side.  Steve Brockman emphasized the importance of mowing the edges.  He wants the County to mow when they can, bypassing the bridges.  Steve questioned how often to mow, and the expected height (perhaps eight inches?).  Discussion implied the goal of mowing before the 4th of July and Labor Day.  A map needs to be provided for the County's use.  Alternate mowers will include Steve, Howard, and Tom.

New Business:

Trail improvements: Carolyn Chatterton created a nine point list.  Those in attendance agreed with her recommendations to extend the trail at #29; create a short cut trail between the pit toilets and the gravel road; make the corner easier at the bottom of 32-31; and to widen the corners at 24 and 24A.  Steve suggested dealing with the beaver problem at #25 by using a 12-volt car battery to encourage them to move elsewhere.  Dave Olsen will contact Paul Teska to order 200 pounds of grass seed (trail mix).

Banquet: date selected (November 6), and possibly to be held at Christie Mountain.  Tom suggested down sizing by offering only major prizes and door prizes, and avoiding instant winners.  Howard suggested hosts and hostesses at the banquet to introduce members to each other.  Dave suggested providing $20 of 'funny money' to spend on bucket prizes to introduce people to the system.  Ideas for a major prize were discussed.  Bjorn Hansen stated we should remind members to thank the businesses that provide our ongoing support.

New members: discussion held on ways to attract new members.  Steve suggested a summer 'meet and greet' potluck.  Bjorn mentioned we need to broaden our base and appeal to the non hard-core skier.

Skinny Ski website: Howard moved, seconded by Dave Olsen, to continue the web link with Skinny Ski (annual cost of $60).  Unanimously approved.

Road signs: painting is needed for signs on Hwy 8 and County O.

Warming house: sealing the exterior can wait a year, this was last done September 2001.

Work Day: not selected.

Membership Dues:not discussed.

Committee Designations

To be carried over with additions as highlighted in bold

  • Banquet Committee: Howard Chatterton, Jan and Tom Paulsen (co-chairs)
  • Blue Hills Ascent Committee: Tom would prefer some other individual take charge of the race this year.  No one was appointed race director.
  • Equipment Committee
  • Grooming and Trail Maintenance Committee: Steve Brockman, Carolyn Chatterton, Frank Lowry
  • Website: Tom Paulsen

Election of Officers

Brockman nominated Dave Olsen for president, Chris Buslee for vice president, Jan Paulsen for secretary, and Carolyn Chatterton for treasurer.  Seconded by Howard Chatterton.  Unanimously carried.

Meeting Adjourned

Motion to adjourn by Tom Paulsen, second by Howard Chatterton.  Adjourned at 9:22 p.m.


Taken by Tom Paulsen, Secretary

A Listing of Active Committees

  • Banquet Committee
  • Blue Hills Ascent Committee
  • Equipment Committee
  • Grooming and Trail Maintenance Committee
  • Website Committee