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Meeting Minutes

Rusk County Trail Association

May 17, 2001 8:18 PM

Meeting called to order

by Jan Paulsen, president, at 7:18 p.m. at the Blue Hills Inn




Officers: Carolyn Chatterton, Lori Mikunda, Jan Paulsen.

Members: Carl Bienert, Ben Bienert, Howard Chatterton, Bob Costenaro, Jan Costenaro, Pete Olson, Kirk Paulsen, Tom Paulsen, Kevin Westlund, and John Ziemer.

Non-members: none.




Motion by Tom Paulsen, second by Howard Chatterton, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of May 2, 2000 and November 9, 2000.  Unanimously carried.


Treasurer's Report



  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Review status of committee projects
  • Election of officers


Old Business:


Articles of incorporation: Motion by Pete Olson, second by Howard Chatterton, to approve the proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation.  Unanimously carried.


New Business:



Banquet Committee

No report.


Blue Hills Ascent Committee

John Ziemer reported on the Blue Hills Ascent.  Permanent K markers were suggested for the 2002 race.  Ziemer asked for suggestions and workers for the race January 6, 2002.  Kevin Westlund will contact the Bruce School regarding making the markers.


Blue Hills Trail Committee

Carolyn stated the Blue Hills Trail has sustained some damage from spring flooding.  The bridges are stable, however erosion has occurred around bridges.  The new culvert on the S curve held up well.  Discussion was held regarding access to the Benson Hunting cabin.  Paul Teska is working with the Benson group to find alternatives.


Jan reported that the Rusk County Forestry Committee will be touring the West Side to view ATV damage on June 1 at 9:00 a.m.


Jan passed around the comments from the guest book which were very enthusiastic.


We expect propane costs to increase the cost of operating the warming hut this next season.


Future logging projects are planned in the Blue Hills.  A plea to save the hemlocks was made.


Adoption of trail segments will again be held this fall to help maintain the Blue Hills.


Equipment Committee

No report.


High School Trails Committee

Pete reported on the High School lighted loop.  The Dave Tech needs to be painted.  Doug Speilman thoroughly cleaned the Alpine and Skandic.  A record (120) day season allowed the trail to be used heavily from Christmas through mid February.


Log Jam Race Committee

The Log Jam is scheduled for June 3.  Pete Olson requested assistance for the race.  The Ladysmith Jaycees will again be assisting.


Sisters' Farm Trails Committee

Dave Borman has requested a gate and enlarged parking area at Sister’s Farm.  The City of Ladysmith has offered gravel in trade for an engineering copier donated by the Flambeau Mine.  We are obtaining bids for widening of the trails, which is planned during the off season.  John Ziemer put in a request for an additional snowmobile for grooming to eliminate transporting the Skandic between the Sisters’s Farm and the high school.  This request is tabled until we are in a financial position to make an additional equipment purchase.  Presently the bombi and the alpine are for sale.  Discussion of the sale of the bombi was held.  Presently the equipment is stored at Duffys in Barron on consignment. Andy Albarado, Rusk County Tourism, has approached the DOT regarding signage to promote the Sisters Farm.  Signs are planned for Highways 8 and 27 and major road intersections.  WCC may be available to produce signage.


Election of Officers


Howard nominated Lori Mikunda, second by Kevin Westlund for Secretary-Treasurer.  Unanimously carried.  Carolyn Chatterton nominated Jan Paulsen for Vice President.  Second by Tom Paulsen.   Unanimously carried.  Howard nominated Carolyn Chatterton as President.   Second by Kevin Westlund.  Unanimously carried.


Meeting Adjourned


Motion by Howard Chatterton, second by Tom Paulsen, to adjourn.




Taken by Lori Larsen Mikunda, Secretary-Treasurer.


A Listing of Active Committees

  • Banquet Committee
  • Blue Hills Ascent Committee
  • Blue Hills Trail Committee
  • Equipment Committee
  • High School Trail Committee
  • Log Jam Committee
  • Sisters' Farm Trails Committee