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Meeting Minutes

Rusk County Trail Association

May 2, 2000 8:05 PM

Meeting called to order

by Jan Paulsen, president, at 7:05 p.m. at the warming house




Officers: Carolyn Chatterton, Lori Mikunda, Jan Paulsen.

Members: Howard Chatterton, Dick Gralewicz, Jim Kurz, Pete Olson, Tom Paulsen, John Ziemer.

Non-members: none.


Treasurer's Report




Old Business: a) website report; b) 501C3 status

New Business:

  • New trail development south of Ladysmith
  • Long-term Funding of Equipment Purchases
  • Review status of committee projects
  • Election of officers


Old Business:


Blue Hills Trail website report: Tom Paulsen reported on the Website.  Very positive comments have been received.


501C3 status: Cyn Reinert has been working on 501C3 status.  Technically the filing for exempt status should have occurred within eighteen months of incorporation, however Jan explained that the worse case scenario would be that the club would be responsible for paying 'back taxes'.  Reinert recommended no equipment purchases be made until the exempt status has been received.  The estimated timetable is 3 months for the IRS to respond.


New Business:


New trail development south of Ladysmith: John Ziemer reported that the City of Ladysmith is attempting to develop a trail near the industrial park following the Flambeau River to the hospital bridge.  The trail would be developed for walking, biking, and snowshoeing.


Long-term Funding of Equipment Purchases: Tom Paulsen motioned to set aside $5000 annually (to be reviewed each year) and that the money be invested safely at the discretion of the officers.   Second by Howard Chatterton. Motion carried.


Banquet Committee

Cindy Erickson, Carolyn and Howard Chatterton, and Jan and Tom Paulsen are on the fall banquet committee at this time.  The banquet is scheduled for November 11, location undetermined at this point.  Randy Sabien and his band will provide the entertainment.


Blue Hills Ascent Committee

  • The race was quite successful this year -- well organized as usual, and with good snow conditions.  A Race Director is needed for the Blue Hills Ascent (BHA) for this next year.
  • Bruce Adelsmann (Minneapolis/St. Paul) has contacted the Club regarding the BHA being part of a series.  The consensus was to allow Adelsmann to add the BHA to the series.


Blue Hills Trail Committee

Grooming Equipment Status: Jim Kurz reported that the bombi was operating well at the close of the season. A suggestion was made to have Ypma check over the bombi this fall.  Replacement of the alpine snowmobile was discussed.  Cost proposals were presented for various workhorse snowmobiles.   Pete Olson volunteered to pursue options for alpine repair or replacement.  Motion by Jim Kurz to investigate the repair costs of the alpine, if under $500 go ahead and repair the alpine and use for the coming season; if not feasible to fix, sell the alpine and purchase a new or used alpine equivalent.   Tom Paulsen seconded the motion.  Discussion held.  Motion carried.


Trail improvements to the Blue Hills: Recommendations were bridge repair and one new bridge, culverts, and reroute by #30.  WCC has seeded the raw areas.  Jan Paulsen and Carolyn & Howard Chatterton have been lobbying to restrict ATV use on the west side as damage is being done to the trail.  FEMA funds are designated for work being completed this summer.


Skijoring on the trails: People have contacted the Club requesting the trails be opened for skijoring.   Discussion held regarding safety concerns.  Guidelines will be developed to restrict the skijoring and loose dogs on the eastside on weekends; however the Westside will be open to skijoring and dogs.  The consensus was to encourage people with dogs to limit their skiing to the Westside trails.  Motion by Carolyn Chatterton, second by Tom Paulsen.  Motion carried.


Purchasing an additional roller: would eliminate transporting the roller.  A new roller would cost $1200-$1300.  Discussion held.  The consensus was to table any purchase at this time.


Delegating Duties: Jan is looking for volunteers to clean the outhouses on an ongoing basis.


High School Trails Committee

Pete Olson stated students would be doing some maintenance on the LHS lighted loop June 2.  Trail access for the bombi was discussed.


Log Jam Race Committee

The Log Jam Bike Race will be held June 11.  Dave Borman needs course volunteers June 10 and June 11.  Saturdays prior to Memorial Day will be workdays.  Jaycees will be doing food, registration, and awards.  Lodging will be available.


Sisters' Farm Trails Committee

  • Dave Johnson & Pete Olson have volunteered to write a DIRT grant proposal for Sisters Farm improvements.  The Sisters Farm Committee consisting of Jim Kurz, Doug Spielman, John Ziemer, and Dave Borman will recommend trail improvements.
  • Tuesday night bike rides on the Sisters' Farm Trails will begin May 9 at 5:30 p.m. originating from the Fine Arts Center.
  • Jana Murphy, Flambeau Mine, has recommended the Sisters Farm be put in Forest Crop Land to reduce the tax liability however this would open the property to hunting.  Horse use on the trails was discussed.  The mining site trails will be opening soon.


Election of Officers


Howard Chatterton nominated the existing officers being, Jan Paulsen, President; Carolyn Chatterton, Vice President; and Lori Mikunda, Secretary-Treasurer.  Second by Tom Paulsen.  Motion by Howard Chatterton to close the nominations and cast a unanimous ballot.  Motion carried.


Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.




Taken by Lori Larsen Mikunda, Secretary-Treasurer.


A Listing of Active Committees

  • Banquet Committee
  • Blue Hills Ascent Committee
  • Blue Hills Trail Committee
  • Equipment Committee
  • High School Trail Committee
  • Log Jam Committee
  • Sisters' Farm Trails Committee