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Meeting Minutes

Rusk County Trail Association

November 9, 2000 8:00 PM

Meeting called to order

by Jan Paulsen, president, at 7:00 p.m. at the warming house




Officers: Carolyn Chatterton, Lori Mikunda, Jan Paulsen.

Members: Cindy Goerner, Jim Kurz, Pete Olson, Tom Paulsen, Jackie Pederson, Jim Platteter, Mark Platteter, Aileen Tauchen.

Non-members: Carolyn Stephens (Precision Accounting)




Old Business: a) 501C3 status; b) widening of Sister's Farm Trail

New Business: a) snowmobile purchase; b) discuss grooming of West Side Trail; c) trail maintenance


Old Business:


Jan Paulsen introduced Carolyn Stephens, Precision Accounting, who explained the procedure for tax-exempt status filing and the various types of exemption.  10-day notice must be given to all members for amendment of the Articles of Incorporation.  It was the general consensus of the group to proceed with 501C3 tax-exempt status.   Motion by Tom Paulsen, second by Jackie Pederson, to proceed with the filing.  Unanimously carried.


The new east loop on the Sister's Farm Trail is in need of widening to approximately 14 feet.  Prices were obtained from Jenness and Baughman.  Spring of 2001 is the earliest work can be done.  Discussion of financial assistance was discussed.   Tabled for further information.


New Business:


Vice President Carolyn Chatterton presented information on a grooming snowmobile.  A Ski Doo Skandic SWT (super wide track) snowmobile has been located in New Hampshire at a cost of $6530.  This 2001 model has been sold out so we are unable to order the snowmobile through local dealers.  Chatterton recommended the Skandic as it could be used for grooming all trail systems, especially early season grooming, and is designed to pull grooming equipment.  This piece of equipment would be capable of serving as a backup for the bombi.  Discussion of various options was held.   Motion by Jim Kurz to purchase the Skandic at a cost of $6530.  Second by Tom Paulsen.  Further discussion held.  Unanimously carried.


Carolyn Chatterton stated that it was her opinion that we should not groom the West Side trails this winter season as huge ruts and rocks have developed over the summer.  The topsoil is gone and extensive work would be required to restore the trail.  The trail will continue to be vulnerable as long as it is not a designated non-motorized trail.  Chatterton suggested that the west side trail system be used for snowshoeing.  Jim Platterter presented the Rusk County Forest Committee’s position.  Discussion held.


Jan Paulsen proposed adoption of trail segments for trail maintenance.  Maintenance would include picking rock, trimming brush, etc.   Information on how to adopt a trail segment will be mailed with the next meeting notice.


Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 p.m.




Taken by Lori Larsen Mikunda, Secretary-Treasurer.