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Meeting Minutes

Rusk County Trail Association

September 13, 2001 8:07 PM

Meeting called to order

by Jan Paulsen, president, at 7:07 p.m. at the Bruce Dairyland Bank




Officers: Lori Mikunda, Dave Olsen, Jan Paulsen.

Members: Dick Brockbank, Carolyn Chatterton, Howard Chatterton, Jim Kurz, Frank Lowry, Tom Mikunda, Pete Olson, Tom Paulsen, Bob Witkiewicz, and John Ziemer.

Non-members: Dave Kmosena, Karen Kmosena.



Motion by Tom Paulsen, second by Tom Mikunda, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of May 17, 2001.  Unanimously carried.


Treasurer's Report



  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Review status of committee projects


Old Business:




New Business:


Jan raised concerns on the future of RCTA.  Lengthy discussion held regarding the division of the group.


Dick Brockbank volunteered to oversee the signage and donation box at the Sisters Farm.


Jan stated that Jerry Wilkes might have some contacts to set up a waxing clinic.  A suggestion was made to contact Riverbrook Bike & Ski for their assistance.


Motion by Frank Lowry, second by Carolyn Chatterton, to increase membership fees to $20 single, $40 family.  Unanimously carried.


Motion by Dick Brockbank to appoint Dave Kmosena as head of grooming of the High School and Sisters Farm.  Motion died.  It was the general consensus that someone should be appointed to be in charge of the grooming at the High School and Sisters Farm.


Banquet Committee

Discussion held regarding the fall banquet.  A kayak was proposed as a raffle item.


Blue Hills Ascent Committee

No report.


Blue Hills Trail Committee

Jan reported on the trail: Vern Chandler is clearing trees and bridges are being repaired.  October 13 will be a work day.  The ATV group has an opportunity to bring the west side up to standards on that day.  Dave Olsen volunteered to work with the ATV group.  Vern Chandler will be giving us an estimate on widening the Sisters Farm trails.  Vern has donated the balance of his time, not covered by FEMA funds, on repair of the Blue Hills east side.


Equipment Committee

No report.


High School Trails Committee

No report.


Log Jam Race Committee

The Log Jam bike race was well attended again this year.


Sisters' Farm Trails Committee

No report.


Meeting Adjourned


Motion  by Dave Olsen, second by Tom Paulsen, to adjourn.




Taken by Lori Larsen Mikunda, Secretary-Treasurer.


A Listing of Active Committees

  • Banquet Committee
  • Blue Hills Ascent Committee
  • Blue Hills Trail Committee
  • Equipment Committee
  • High School Trail Committee
  • Log Jam Committee
  • Sisters' Farm Trails Committee